Egyptian Cotton Cool Ivory
Creating the perfect natural comfortable living environment for the consumer.
Egyptian Cotton Cool Ivory soft and sumptuous in an eloquently quilted lofted top panel filled with 350 gsm polyester."

Design Collection
Quality Mattress Ticking Specialist Supplier
With outstanding skills and an excellent reputation for specialisation and expertise in global sourcing for competitive pricing.
- Specialist UK Textile Finisher of contract crib 5 100% Egyptian cotton mattress ticking.
- Flame Retardant Green Chemistry derived from entirely natural elements.
Anti-microbial Protection for hygienic freshness.
Material compliance with BS EN 14976: 2005 British Standard / European Norm Specifications for Mattress Ticking International Standard Organisation (ISO) Test Methods.
UK Origin Manufacture
Steven Hargreaves Textile Group is a specialist UK textile manufacturer of 100% cotton contract crib 5 mattress ticking 'British Standard 7175'.
The flame retardant and anti-microbial treatments that we use are produced locally near to our factory in Brighouse, West Yorkshire HD6 4DJ.
From this location we distribute to a global customer base comprising clients in the UK, Europe and China.
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